CFAs: Open Africa Power 2022 Programme

CFAs: Open Africa Power 2022 Programme

Deadline: 25-Mar-22

Enel Foundation and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) are excited to launch the call for applications for the 2022 edition of Open Africa Power, the programme that provides a cohort of young energy professionals with a complete set of technical, regulatory and business skills needed to trigger Africa sustainable energy future for all.

This year the programme will engage up to 150 African students and over 240 alumni, with at least 50% women, in a series of professional development and leadership activities provided in partnership with top academic institutions in Italy and Africa.

Open Africa Power 2022 will comprise of online and residential modules from academic institutions such as Strathmore University, the University of Cape Town, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, SDA Bocconi, Florence School of Regulation, and Venice International University.

The ambition of the program is to empower and retain African talent in a crucial sector like energy, of paramount importance to unlock Africa’s sustainable future. The program offers knowledge on all aspects of sustainable electricity production and distribution to the best and most motivated PhD, Master’s, and MBA students and alumni. The program also aims to create a networking platform for participants in order to maximize impact.

Program Structure
  • Digital African Module (May – June): this 8 week module will explore the fundamentals of the global electricity sector through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals. It will cover the following areas:
    • Renewables technology, regulation, economics;
    • Networks technology, regulation, economics;
    • ICT digitalization of the electricity industry.
  • Regulation for SDG7 Online Course (May – October): the 5 month course will enable the participants to gain a comprehensive vision of how to design the appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks needed to ensure sustainable energy for all. Successful completion of this course is required to be selected for the Italian Module
  • Italian Module (October – November): the module will take place in Italy (decision subject to the evolution of the COVID situation). During this 2 week residential module, the top performers of the first 2 modules (selected also on the basis of their capstone projects) will explore the new frontiers of the electricity sector and experience first-hand innovation.
  • Give back module: upon completion of the Italian module, alumni will be involved in teaching activities related to Enel Foundation education initiatives in Africa.
Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be between the ages of 24 and 35 by 3 May 2022;
  • Be a citizen of an African country;
  • Currently reside in an African country or planning to relocate to Africa by the end of 2022;
  • Be eligible to travel to Italy. All candidates are invited to check well in advance the procedure applicable to their specific case;
  • Be a graduate from or current student (having an admission letter is also acceptable) of a PhD, MSc, LLM, MPP or MBA degree. Undergraduate students or people who are not at least enrolled in a master’s degree are not eligible for this program. One of the two degrees (Bachelor or Masters) must be from an African university;
  • Have competencies and a demonstrated interest to pursue a career – in private or public sector – in the electricity space at large;
  • Be fully proficient in English;
  • Be willing to promote gender equality and women´s empowerment within and beyond the programme.

To encourage and elevate more women in the energy sector, Enel Foundation and SEforALL will ensure that 50% of the Open Africa Power 2022 participants are women.

For more information, visit