develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition: Growth Funding for your Start-Up

develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition: Growth Funding for your Start-Up

Deadline: 31-Dec-22

Applications are now open for the develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition to support young companies to scale innovative business models in Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania that create positive impact and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Suitable start-ups to be funded through develoPPP Ventures are selected during an open ideas competition. This takes place twice a year and is open to all start-ups that meet the conditions for participation. Depending on the target country, the funding contract is concluded with one of the two implementing partners, DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


DEG Impulse gGmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with funds from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), support young companies to scale innovative business models in Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania that create positive impact and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Funding Information

DEG Impulse and GIZ provide grant co-financing of up to EUR 100,000 (and a top-up of EUR 100,000 for successful Ventures in a potential second phase)

Eligibility Criteria
  • The company is registered in Ghana, Kenya or Tanzania OR plans to register there prior to the investment
  • The company is privately owned and profit-oriented
  • At least one annual financial statement is provided
  • A viable business plan and a financial plan
  • The company is operative and has generated first revenues from operating activities
  • The company should not have acquired more than a maximum of €2 million in funding to date
  • The develoPPP Ventures funding is aimed at young companies that want to further expand their business model in the respective country. A legal entity must be registered locally by the time the contract is concluded at the latest. The funding contract can only be concluded with a local company.

For more information, visit develoPPP Ventures.


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