M/S PEK BROTHER’S (T) LIMITED is a well-established Company, registered as Class One Building Contractors. The Company is located in Lake Zone based in Bunda – Ukerewe road, dealing with different activities around the area. The company is seeking to recruit qualified candidates to fill in the below vacancies.
Project Manager- 1 Post
Required Qualifications:
- Must be a foreigner.
- Bachelor degree in Civil or Structural Engineering.
- Must be registered as Professional Engineer with ERB.
- Minimum of 10 years experience in the same or related role.
- Familiarity with construction/ project management.
- Outstanding communication and negotiation skills.
- Excellent organizational and time-management skills.
- A team player with leadership abilities, computer literate and fully conversant with basic computer applications.
- Age must be 35 years and above.
NB: Salary is Negotiable to all the advertised posts.
Female candidates with the required qualifications and skills are highly encouraged to apply.
How to Apply:
Detailed application letter clearly stating why you should be considered for the position and how you will add value to the company accompanied with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, testimonials and contacts of three referees should be e-mailed to the following address: pekbrothers@gmail.com
Applicants must include reliable phone numbers for effective communication, if you are not contacted within 30 days after deadline closing date, consider yourself unsuccessful.
Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to any of the following: – security clearance, competency assessment, physical capability assessment and reference checking.
The deadline for submitting the application is 19 October 2022.