26 New Job Vacancies in USAID Project at T-MARC Tanzania, Various Posts

26 New Job Vacancies in USAID Project at T-MARC Tanzania, Various Posts

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T-MARC Tanzania is a non-profit Tanzanian organization working to improve public health and promote social development. Our socially marketed products and behaviour change communication initiatives address pertinent health issues in family planning and reproductive health, child survival, water and sanitation, nutrition and communicable/non-communicable infections like malaria, HIV/AIDS, and cervical cancer.
The USAID/Tanzania Comprehensive Client-Centered Health Program HIV/TB Southern (C3HP HIV&TB Southern Program) is a five year project (November 2021 to September 2026) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) and the President’s Office- Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) at the central level and in target Mainland regions to deliver high quality integrated HIV and TB prevention care and treatment services that will improve health outcomes, particularly for youth and children.

New Job Opportunities in USAID Project at T-MARC Tanzania
The C3HP HIV&TB Southern Program intends to increase the demand for and use of quality integrated HIV and Tuberculosis services in Iringa, Lindi, Morogoro, Mtwara, Njombe, and Ruvuma regions by improving access to quality services in both facilities and the surrounding communities, promoting positive health seeking behaviors among Tanzania’s population, and enhancing the overall policy environment for HIV & TB service delivery.The C3HP HIV&TB Southern Program is managed by Deloitte Consulting Ltd in partnership with Management and Development for Health (MDH) and T-MARC TanzaniaT-MARC is seeking for competent candidates to join C3HP HIV&TB Southern Program team for various positions as shown below….
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Current opportunities: : We are inviting applications for the job vacancies below….(CLICK JOB TITLE YOU WANT TO OPEN FOR FULL JOB DESCRIPTION AND MODE OF APPLICATION):

T-MARC Tanzania DO NOT have any agents and DO NOT charge any fees to the interested candidates. Kindly note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Application close: 20th December 2021. E. Africa Standard Time